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The 2022 National Prospective Student Survey is a departure from our previous studies of the next generation of college students. While the first four waves uncovered valuable data for higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic, the fifth wave examines emerging social, political, and economic trends affecting prospective students and their decisions to pursue college degrees. More importantly, our report explores several insights that can help institutions shift their business model from institution-centered to student-centered.

Key Findings from the Study:

Tuition is an insurmountable hurdle for some

  • 63% of those who are unsure or not planning to attend college say they are hesitant to enroll because college is too expensive.

Students are open-minded about their options

  • Of the 74% students who plan on attending college right after high school, 52% are considering a community college and 36% are considering an online college or university.

Marginalized students seek safer spaces

  • Students of color, along with women and non-binary people, prefer safer education environments that support their overall well-being and provide a sense of community.

Miss the October 27 webinar?  Watch it here.